Конкурс від Фонду Ковалевих (США)

Фонд Лесі і Петра Ковалевих при Союзі Українок Америки оголошує літературний конкурс 2015 року

Фонд Ковалевих засновано у 1967 році при Союзі Українок Америки з метою підтримки творців української науки та літератури. Згідно із заповітом фундатори окреслили свою ініціативу таким чином : «Ми хотіли б заохотити до змалювання минулого чи сучасного України…». Подружжя Ковалевих походило з центральних українських земель. до До 1919 року Петро Ковалів працював аташе у дипломатичній місії Української Народної Республіки в Голандії та Бельгії, згодом панство Ковалевих мешкали у Швeйцарії аж до смерті. Створення Фонду було виявом їхнього патріотизму та усвідомлення значення літератури та науки для національного розвитку.

Після здобуття Україною незалежності, лауреатами цієї нагороди у різні роки були Леонід Плющ, Тамара Гундорова, Юрій Андрухович, Софія Майданська, Оксана Забужко, Марта Тарнавська, Віра Вовк, Василь Ґабор, Михайлина Коцюбинська, Олександр Ірванець, Василь Махно, Лариса Онишкевич, Оксана Луцишина, Богдана Матіяш, Марія Ревакович, Остап Сливинський і Дзвінка Матіяш.

Лауреати 2015 року отримають Грамоту і грошову винагороду:

1. Поезія – 2000 доларів;

2. Проза – 2000 доларів;

3. Дебют (поезія, проза, драматургія) – 1000 доларів;


І.     На  конкурс ПОЕЗІЯ і ПРОЗА приймаються книжки, написані українською мовою, які видрукувані протягом 2013-2014 років. Автори повинні надіслати книжки у форматі ПДФ і один примірник на адресу:


Kovaliv Fund Competition
203 Second Ave.,
New York, NY 10003


ІІ.     На конкурс ДЕБЮТ приймаються твори (книжки і рукописи) у жанрі поезії, прози чи драматургії. Вік авторів, які подаватимуться на ДЕБЮТ не повинен перевищувати 30 років.

Назву файлу подавати за зразком:



У електронному листі в графі SUBJECT зазначити категорію (поезія, проза чи дебют).

Термін подачі —  до 30-го квітня 2015 року
Лауреатів визначить жюрі, склад якого буде подано під час проголошення імен лауреатів.

Книжки і рукописи у форматі ПДФ надсилати на ел. адресу:


2 коментарі
  1. вівташ юрій коментує:

    висококоповажні добродії!   з невідомих причин у вашому списку лавреатів  премії відсутнє прізвище раїси лиші,яка отримала нагороду 2013 року за книгу поезій “зірнула зірниця”(вид.”ярославів вал”)              юрій вівташ

  2. ТЕТЯНА ГРИЦАН коментує:

    Камінь на Рожаниці 
    Татьяна Грицан – Translation for her posting
    Stone on Mount Rozhanitsy
    It does not matter what kind of clay has been created Adam, it is important life-giving Spirit, man. If literature resonates in the heart of the reader against the threat, disaster, famine, war, it means that she has no nationality, it is – the world. This is the writing of a lonely man, wandering in the vast universe in search of God.
    Levon Hechoyan
    There, there, far away, where the sun rises, where the dawn of the first day with a big welcome – Stone stands. This is as old as the world, so wise as he Vsevid from the Carpathian Mountains.
    Ever seen a stone monastery heaven. They say uncleanness would seize the monastery, and rolled the stone up from Carat to could shoot in the field of thorns. Wise force perepnyaly devil. He disappeared into the bush, and the stone is and talks to you, me, eternity.
    She was nezrushno in place between yesterday and tomorrow’s future.
    Everything that could move it – it parseny, forcing the plasma to move faster than light, more clearly than laser. Thought. It swept like a winged bird. And skolyhala world. Around the crowded forms: blue, yellow, green, which flows into in brownish-red, and disappeared into a black hole. Came the sound of weeping and groaning through, and then, abruptly changing direction, fell on the green lawn, where he became a white stone, which served middle of the road.
    Flying clouds kupchylysya then, it exploded into pieces, intricately intertwined navskisnomu in the light of the setting sun. The wind was blowing at the bottom near the ground barely, like wearily sighed stysheno some giant creature. And there is even a top spinning inexorably swallows fast and powerful gusts sharpkymy worn.
    Distance donosylosya a rolling hrymotinnya. People riding carts, cars, hurrying on foot to their homes again and again looking back and shoulders by doing involuntarily as the view of the beast. And someone quietly pereshiptuvavsya. All omynaly Stone. Stumbled, fell and walked again, oblivious to the block time. Only a stone was nezrushno, only he, the wise man of the mountains, he could see everything, hear. He pershopochatok.
    There will be a storm, hail, squall or even that matter, after which remain broken trees, roofs and broken windows.
    Meanwhile clouds povnyatsya blue and gold flames sun goes down. Meanwhile prytamovanyy heart quenches fire waiting rokovanoho and definitions of what can not be changed.
    If grief and trouble by man for cleaning, where the limit of suffering? Where is the line to which we vyhartovuyemos like steel, growing stronger and vyvyschuyuchys? After which strike you will not be able to go up and spread your wings? Answer – only you, in your capacity to burn, to face up to the teeth, do not give up.
    The main reason for the hidden fears, discouragement man – a lack of confidence in their own abilities. You’re afraid of fire, which yet. You’re afraid to set foot in his own horror, who lives in you. Step – and you are You walk through a burning hell. You go, otherwise perish. But the worst – is the first step. Step after which it becomes true meaning and value. Step after which may finally shed tears, breaks joy to the heart.
    Step to the true self, truth, God, through the fire, when the soul is able to fly like a flying golden cloud in the sky, recalling a winged angel and a man.
    Red lamps show the way. She – fast, bluish-green, like a dream. Her sweet eyes offend the world. Her seductive moves are znan.zaraz map in rainbow colors around it. It – freedom. Free shirt that has a lilac color with luxurious sleeves, patterns prozirnyh ages. Miles fingers touch the stone, and it becomes a red edge that svtyt in the dark. It is not, not cold, but warm ray charms nearby. And everyone running to the light, he wants to touch, as we seek to know nepiznanne, touch nedotorkuvanoho, see the invisible, move the immovable. And go, go to the abyss, to go beyond ourselves. When you are out of mind, out of time.
    But the stone, no! He sees all that is done, control your motion, my. Quiet …
    Says stones. Blahoslovytysya the world.
    Light! Somehow do not always understand that the light we have inside. Yes, it is strange, but the light always emits positive in their positive about. Just putting the Word in the words we have language. Because it always gets to that ideal, where rozpochynalosya thinking.
    Bifurcate into two Dnieper reservoirs. Here the river flows, golden cream. Whether the adjusted time, or vpotuzhnena day to day, but the two sleeves …. Two: one transparent as a tear, and the other, as if filled with sorrow dreary land. The right course – vyokremylasya of the total flow. The left is a spacious, flowing. Why provyddya shpoche that it was a mother’s children, what is the only povnovid?
    One Life. A timid return to the exit, for thou knowest not whether Crossroads will zadovlolnyty your ambitions. Will outlined prophet, or simply vydilyshsya a mass zamaschenym running time. How to get out of the watershed? Here the test day, and vymyshleni night, and routine measurements.
    Our land. A constant, though a stranger, we are not the owners, not us. Invasion of the newcomers, who can not stay on the ground. Float, fly, but do not go.
    Silence. Again, the loud silence stones said: “In the Galaxy, the one who could move mountains, one that can bring in traffic and valleys and lowlands.” Silence screams stones, predicts a grain of sand in the slot time: “Everyone who orders something big must be large. It is difficult to implement a large, but even harder to book Majesty. ”
    It was a silence. This is strikingly silent, from its size and eats light beam is interrupted by two large beams. Ztsidzhuyuchy into space yesterday nebula knights went into custody, were side-road, watch for rosy- spit Fun night. This taciturn that schemyt in the heart, in the spirit zapelenyaye lap to sprinkle clean tear. For these drops have the structure: sozy regret – stretchy, thin and tears of joy -kraplyamy written in pearls.
    Water. What is water? The solvent conductor container for all living things. And what about inanimate? All living things, all things, everything has the ability to transform. Area water when vibration beings resonate sleep all life, when life flows measured in the direction where infinity is able to shrink into a single drop, and vice versa, one drop spreads into a thousand droplets, where he detonates life. Kupava living spirit devoureth life-affirming cries of the world: a beginning, all beginnings, water.
    Her head dovhosti fir, zanyzaly valleys fog streams, the king is the truth that lies in drops of love in the dew of morning song, dawn dawn. What awakens the dawn to give impetus to the source of the underwater kingdom flow, flee into eternity. Marin floating in the haze of centuries of living by consuming food of the gods – people. That human beings wander in the waters of heaven, skolyhuyuchy system, creating their ambitious manifestation of freedom. For water – mistylysche roaming and spirit, forever connected to at a small handy every swim their way. So, it chystokryla water orders in its laws Vsevymiri. So she is looking after us, steering the movement. Because water can not be stagnant. Potentially moving, must in itself contain other particles that become its transit baggage. Do not clog up the water view for stop motion, stop for world vidrozhuvatysya and die.
    What is fame – have a word in the flow of meaning. When the meaning of all life in the water. Not zahlyblyuysya in their own ambitions, not assure storm – works write. While writing on water? No, water – then you, then your genes are passed from generation to generation. That tank movement. Soft, cold, warm, dry and raw, hard and clear, pure and with impurities. That we experience water. This and that is the matter of all life on earth, which is the mother of all natural and unnatural. Spodvyzhylysya flows Bourne, rapidly filled callback Carpathian Valleys eliminated elastically from the ground Burkut geysers, brine.
    Air. What is the atmosphere? Our breathing, movement, reservoir being, fertilizing pozytura wind. Wind – is primarily a space. Straddled the mountain tops and the wind rushed into the vortex of love for the queen of heaven, the Gorgon, that wanted to take control of the land. Of unrequited love, had children: legitimacy, Whirlwind, Air. Children of winds as Atri athletes hold the sky above the meadow. Not subject to anyone for free. Rule in bezkydah as full masters mountain kingdom. Hey, hey, spread the sounds of joy. Hey, get lost in the thicket goblins, Goya – Fun dances zvoryky. No, not too short a time to weep and howl long pobyvayuchys for the lost. For nothing in the world will not disappear without a trace, because everything is transformed, transported by wind. Whiff of Prana, the breath of Java – the daughter of the wind power, energy, spirit, papovnyuye all living and nonliving. Wind, tree, holding on a sky without letting him again amalgamate with the ground and crush the created world. Road. The road to marriage, birth, life. Pure fused horizon, bathing the worlds, space time, there is nowhere from nowhere. Exceeded resistance, zallyavsya Star was red and disappeared from now. Eternal Light streamed today. Being.
    Earth. So our I then yesterday we then tomorrow you.
    Rozkryllya, crossroads, spills. Two of the other. Starts at one end.
    Everyone has their own dimension. But we are all children of one mother Earth that vibrates in space and has a resonance with the universe. They say 7, 8 Hz – direct vibration of the earth, straight course. An electric current is accompanied by magnetic forces. Therefore, the louder electric discharge, the more vigorous magnetic fields. We understand that our elektoropole – this aura, the spiritual part, vibration kosmos.A Almighty Creator created separate frequency radiation of the human body from all other frequency radiations of living beings on earth just to weave together universalnni spiritual values of the physical body of man. Fact resonance – a harmony of confidence, harmony with the world.
    Clay puts pressure on time that just wanted to merge with the time which was before. Clay squeezes completely new names, new vise clamped in humility, but warm, drink, feed and caress pryhystyt from the beginning until his death, when again pryme in your heart. It all starts and ends with clay in clay. The Creator created tverdzhu that was originally clay.
    Mystery hands warm sandy soil firmly grips in the arms of all living creatures Carpathian. Ra was only able to enjoy using the capture of the fortress. Bo is a spirit, light, sun valleys. He clarity of fog slyakoti heat of the fire in the middle of a fire. Is in itself the truth, the whole family Valleys free.
    Fire. And who can boast of in the mountains that would have lived without a campfire? The sun warms the world, but played with highlanders, then writes pasture, so much so that burn all the grass. It asks for a ransom-sacrifice to warm up for some others, silently contemplating the world: ANU try to warm yourself! That heavenly ohnyanytsya tsilytsya in bush or tree to light was of a dark night, the underground mining AIR throw from the magma to burning coals antiquity, perevtilyuvalysya in the Future. And you will deal with a vaterka on earth from the heavenly warmth of hands. Very requires that everyone already knows guzul: it is necessary to vaterky branch, drovtsyatok to warm, to cook, to light up the night.
    Spirit, who plans to settle here forever, because the mountain call for the river seeking rate that sporyadzhuye in favor of life. We are not lawfully taken away from Mother Earth, went their way. The house is bloody expensive, but survive, can ward off the enemy. The altar filled with red grease – then thought to increase growth oblivion. Firmly grips the hand asks, begs crown SUN return fire. So our destiny, spirit. Our spirit. Spirit of Carpathians. We are invincible. Rivers id’hori return. Ray – you see – we are intact.
    Fire-spirit gives life water-matter – a new life, a keep records on two protyvenstva. Before and after only a drop – now compresses time vmiri there.
    Fire appeals to the human mind and the quality of wisdom. Water – a heart feelings of love. Perfect one who vrivnovazhyv qualities will, mind cognized the laws of nature and placed in the heart of the world.
    Then Saint George gut-wrenching universe rebels the spring warmth, the first rays of diluted water winter allowed in distant worlds strands benefactors, drops food terrestrial beings. Born God.
    Dance Spirit, Dance morning spyvaye space life goes and goes … Special rate where spirituality has it all – from the settlement and funerary architecture, sculptures of stone, sand and clay, to our prosvitchastoho “I”, where among the Aryans stagnation solar cult, where the sun prymichayut as king or as a mentor Dance planets. Prokuye changes fall on big time awakening to life.
    Venus and Mercury that far into the follies of penance shade from the sun, but always come back to it again. At the top of the stop smiling Running away from the clear light. Then the sun actually controls the dance of the planets. Messenger Moon earns a bit of light. It airs at observatories recorded the land to its own dimension of law – they are called world among worlds.
    Touch rays of the earth and fun disappear between the abyss. It heralds the autumn sky, the wind closes the first gate of God. Second Savior we shall strew with apples, rain, and the third oshparyt healing snowball.
    Merely because of the hot summer, when Zbruch purely shallow and ancient coral reef limestones exposed their floors, exposed the truth about Kraynynu … Border guards Galicia surprise saw a stone stele that suddenly vypynalasya the water. It was an opportunity to return immemorial Franz Princes and God – God. Not in vain this time historians have called the Spring of Nations. The mission took Didych return of Kotsyubynchykiv Mieczysław Potocki. It took him three pairs of oxen to pull out of the river a brilliant piece of prehistoric sculptor. Zbrutsky idol – it is almost trohmetrova stone stick on the comprehension of which take the trouble more than one generation of enthusiasts. For this is not just an art thing, and deep sacral semantics of algorithm cosmogony of the universe and primitive outlook and inspired providence.
    Since then mountains attract others, blocking negative, but fills up the movement of the sun. For families there Aryans, the ancient Magi poured spear mystery of the universe. It is their body form a several large residence Peace, beating his forehead slopes. Of getting drunk fragrant mist like cathedrals dive up poloschuchy bangs between clouds. And among them sheep fold Cottages oak, colorful grass in the valleys. And the wind scratching Spruce spit willow wash hair in dew, gardens in the valleys, meadows …
    I sixth of the time. Visitality, saturation means. I own era, have power, have a dream. Around arranged projections.
    Autumn leaves flew, fell, and again threw himself into the world somewhere. We stood with outstretched hands. They wanted to hold. Not so easy to catch that you do not belong. While on our shoulders rests the distance, harbor weird shaved head fall, and the rest – that is not our only shadow in the mirror of our ideas. Quietly resting in Zagreb sun, wind poured laughter. We? We are out of space, out of time. We are in the dimension of dreams. Flying yellow leaves. Harbor small area of green fields. Soon will start cold, a fire that starts to devour leaf dumb as a mother rabbit, which lacks zhyttyedaynosti devour your firstborn. Latest peep thin, green-eyed stolen last look, the last jump, leap into the abyss where rozprostyrayutsya wings vyvitryuyuyetsya body, a unified pectoral – autumn. Effectively, almost pronylyvo, vibrates last push.
    Flashed letter, gene, gene – only a whisper left. Whisper wind. Want to join? Zyrkny in the mirror, focus attention on the sky, where your measurement. Angels soared to puff heaven, poured svchkoyu nut, and released spices, incense last summer. Curled leaf. Became Rolls -trantskryptsiyeyu, a message that ripen merely through the ages, to say hello to the world after

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